Post by JT on Aug 19, 2020 11:06:19 GMT
Hi Everybody
I hope that you are still well, I thought that I would update you on the current situation regarding the Billingshurst Bar Billiards league
Some of you probably know that Tarratt Tables are withdrawing about twelve of their tables in Sussex, of which five of them are in our league
In a way this is to be expected, for some time Bar Billiards has been in the decline, and due to the COVID 19 lockdown these tables have not generated much income
I understand that these tables will be removed at the end of September, unless they are purchased at the cost of about £1,200
So the five tables in our league are The Blue Ship, The Windmill, The Limeburners, The White Hart and finally Alfold SC, that leaves the following four tables Roffey SSC, Southwater SC, The Lintot and The Railway, I assume that they are remaining due to the fact that they also rent a pool table from Tarratt Tables
So, as far as I know The Blue Ship table will go, but Simon intends to replace it by building his own ??, The Windmill table will also go, and seeing as they are loosing two players the team will probably not continue in the league which is a shame
Alfold SC are thinking about purchasing their table
The Limeburners table will go, but the team could move to the Cricketers Wisborough Green provided that the league is guaranteed to continue
The Landlord of the White Hart is thinking about purchasing the table for a reduced amount provided that the league is guaranteed to continue, also I believe that at least one maybe two of the White Hart players are thinking about retiring
Unfortunately I cannot guarantee to them when or even if the league will restart, and if it did restart for how long it will continue
So that is the position at the moment, GRIM you may say, and so where do we go from here, before we even think about having an AGM, or restarting the league I must know the following from the Team Captains
1) Is your venue still willing to have league matches, or another venue if your table is disappearing, second teams are possible at Roffey SSC, Southwater SC, The Lintot, The Railway and possibly Alfold SC
2) Does all of your players wish to continue playing, will they feel safe in a Pub environment with dirty hands and dirty balls
3) Who is willing to restart the league in November, December or January???
So Please, Please, Please give me feedback by the end of September for your team, then we can assess as to whether it is worthwhile continuing the league or whether it is best to fold
Best Wishes