Post by Chris on May 14, 2009 20:52:16 GMT
Dear All Now those that know me well, will understand most of the following...those that don't, I am a highly organised person, nothing alters this... I have never liked babies, love toddlers and upwards but not babies !!! I already have a Granny extension in my house an 87 year old mother, and was due to finish the motgage this May, bliss I thought with more cruises on the way. Oh yes :) ;) ;D A month ago I had a lovely day at a colleague Heads School to return home and be told by my daughter she was pregnant..
Oh well we got on with it and decided to do a loft Dorma for us to move into over the next few months... so now another mortgage!! Still at least there is time to get the work underway...
One's daughter goes off for a scan... returning actually mum she said I am 5 months pregnant!
Not to be phased by this ... I still proceeded with architects and builders...
Last week she says... mum I am 7 months pregnant...just before the Surrey
Ok so that gives me two months to think about a baby ...
Yesterday at school I get a call... mum will you call me it's not urgent...
My dear daughter informed me that they had everything wrong at the hospital and baby was late... she has gone in today to start being induced.. Oh my god!!! and no all she never knew....
I said that Baycroft the school I Head was a jinx in terms of flood and pestilence we have had two sewerage floods throughout since I have been there as Head from 2006 ... my only worry is they misread the scan and it's twins??? Roll on half-term I am on a short cruise... well I hope I am !! and it's with my mother, now is that a break I ask myself???
Today baby Kieran was born at 5.05am... and yet another fantastic life is in the world!!
By the way I am called Ti Chris not nan or granny or grandma only the Welsh of you will know why ;)
Post by Chris on May 14, 2009 20:58:08 GMT
and bless him Chris N is ensururing of Loft Extension and new outside extension...
Just he had very little warning to get it done :)
Post by Deleted on May 14, 2009 21:44:50 GMT
Congratulations on the new arrival Ti Chris, 8-) 8-) 8-)
..............but what does that make the other Chris ? A 'Grandpappy' like me ? ;D
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Where's my cue!
Posts: 232
Post by MID on May 14, 2009 21:53:16 GMT
Congratulations Nain :-) I am sure Sam will get on with things ok while your on your cruise, thats if great granny can leave baby Kieran alone... And as for that hospital, I was in tears after my scan informing me I was having a 10lb baby about 3 wks before my due date (she popped out 10 days late 7lb 2), so your prob lucky they said she was pregnant at all...
LOL, I could not believe how fast you went out buying pram etc, good thing you did. Congrats to you all, take plenty of photos they grow too fast...