Post by Deleted on May 19, 2009 22:06:27 GMT
It's SUMMER 8-)
The Summer League got going last night, the teams taking part are:
Carpenters Arms Nelsons Head Waggon and Horses White Horse 'A' White Horse 'B' (yay) ;)
Our team (White Horse 'B') was formed in the last moments, but mainly it's the same from last year just at a different venue.
Last night saw the 2008 winners V runner ups, the games were close. It was a 3-2 victory for the White Horse. Results: Game 1 Mark George 2,040 v Earle Dugan 3,470 Game 2 Keith MacDonald 1,540 v Russell Kirk 1,450 Game 3 Peter Grant 1,080 v Tim Harris 1,120 Game 4 Johnny George 1,970 v Darren Readman PB Game 5 Johnny George 2,090 v Paul Watson 1,550
The table was levelled to a degree that we REALLY hurt our backs, unfortunatly it was stuck to the floor and jarred my back once it released :(. However we will hopefully see it in it's Table of the Year condition once more. 8-) ;)
Great night, lovely food. :)
Bring on the Waggon 8-)